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Explicit Feminist Foreign Policy Framework in DFAT

FORE Australia Reporter: Jemma Rule and Manika Gupta 

Publish Date: 06/9/2024

Problem Identification: 

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) does not explicitly embed or define a feminist approach in its gender equality strategy.

This means that DFAT may lack a clear and consistent framework for addressing gender inequality through a feminist lens. Not explicitly embedding or defining a feminist approach in its gender equality strategy, could result in ambiguity in how gender-related issues are prioritised and addressed in policies and programs. This may lead to missed opportunities for promoting more equitable and inclusive outcomes in Australia's foreign affairs and development initiatives.


Solution Identification: 


Download the 1-page policy brief PDF here:


Public Support: 

  • The Australian Feminist Foreign Policy Coalition 

  • Save the Children Australia

  • ActionAid

Where to go to learn more: 

  1. Australian Feminist Policy Coalition, Submission on the new International Gender Equality Strategy:

  1. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New International Gender Equality Strategy – Public Written Submissions:

  2. Save the Children, International Gender Equality Strategy:

  1. ActionAid Australia, Championing Change: ActionAid’s Vision for a Feminist, Intersectional and Ambitious International Gender Equality Strategy

  1. Parliament of Australia, New Ways Forward:

  1. Feminist Foreign Policy, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik

Reference list (name, date): 

  1. Australian Feminist Policy Coalition. (2023). Submission on the new International Gender Equality Strategy.

  1. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2016). Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Strategy. Australian Government.

  2. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2023) New International Gender Equality Strategy – Easy Read Version. Australian Government.

  1. Department of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. (2024). Australia’s National Statement to 68th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Australian Government.

  1. Save the Children. (2023). International Gender Equality Strategy: Submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

  1. ActionAid. (2023). Australia Championing Change: ActionAid’s Vision for a Feminist, Intersectional and Ambitious International Gender Equality Strategy

Conflict of interest / acknowledgment statement:



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